Ballet Nacional Sodre Audition - 21 October 2023 (Application Deadline: 30 August 2023)

BNS/Ballet Nacional Sodre is seeking for female and male dancers with classical and contemporary training for 2024 season


Mercedes 823, 11100 Montevideo, Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay


-34.904003198349, -56.198527103767

Ballet Nacional Sodre Audition

BNS/Ballet Nacional Sodre, Uruguay, under the direction of Maria Riccetto, is seeking for female and male dancers with classical and contemporary training or professional experience for 2024 season.
We will be accepting application forms and audition videos with a classical variation, and a contemporary solo until 30 August 2023.


  • classical and contemporary training
  • 18 to 30 years old
  • minimum height: female 1.63cm, male 1.75cm
  • professional experience

Required documents:

  • CV
  • videos of classical and contemporary solos in separate links
  • application form

Application Deadline:

30 August 2023

Audition Date:

21 October 2023

To Apply:

Application Form can only be submitted via our website:
Please send audition tape for classical and contemporary solos in separate links.

Additional Information:

Please send audition tape for classical and contemporary solos in separate links.
After a pre selection, qualified applicants, will be ask to audition in person in Montevideo, Uruguay on 21 October 2023, in the Auditorio Nacional Adela Reta.
Each dancer will be ask to take ballet class, and bring a prepared classical variation of their own choice
For questions and additional information please contact:

COVID-19 info:

No info. Please note however that current Covid-19 restrictions and barrier measures might be applied


Social Media:

Click HERE to find more companies that are still accepting applications


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