44.837788571863, -0.57742944043909
Bordeaux National Opera Ballet Audition
Bordeaux National Opera Ballet Audition, Eric Quilleré, dance director is looking for:
Girls (2024, March 30th)
Boys (2024, April 6th)
Please send detailed resume, 2 pictures and a video footage link that must present a variation from the classical repertoire before March 15th for girls – March 22th for boys ;
Only dancers between 16 and 28 allowed ;
Candidates selected will receive an invitation. Ballet class as eliminate first round, then candidates will have to present a variation from the classical repertoire as second round ; please bring a valid musical media support.
- Strong ballet technique
- Strong contemporary technique
- between 16 and 28 years old
Required documents:
- CV
- 2 pictures
- video footage link that must present a variation from the classical repertoire
Application Deadline:
15 March 2024 (girls)
15 March 2024 (boys)
Audition Date:
30 March 2024 (girls)
6 April 2024 (boys)
To Apply:
Please send your applications to:
Social Media:
Click HERE to find more companies that are still accepting applications
We gather the information about the auditions from various online sources and from our ‘Submit your Ballet Audition’ Formular. While we do our best to double check the accuracy of information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy and do not accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions or inaccurate information. We always recommend checking the ‘Original Source’ information or contact the Theatre / Audition Organizer for more specific information.
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